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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령77~80)제주도

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77. (제주도) 거문오름 용암동굴에 대해 설명합니다.

According to UNESCO, the 거문오름 lava tube system is the finest, best-preserved system of lava tubes anywhere in the world. There are five tubes in the system; the longest of these, 만장굴cave, is over 13km long. These impressive tubes must be experienced to be believed-channels of black volcanic rock decorated by fantastical lava pillars and stalactites, the tunnels form a universe their own. The tube system begins at 거문오름, one of the many parasitic cones(오름) that rise up from the island, and runs in a northeasterly direction until it reaches the coast.

78. (제주도) 성산일출봉에 대해 소개해 봅니다.

성산일출봉 peak is one of Korea’s most breathtaking sights. Registered by UNESCO in 2007, 성산일출봉 is what volcanologists call an archetypal tuff cone, a steep volcanic cone with a wide, flat-floored crater composed of cemented volcanic ash. Tuff cones form from small but explosive eruptions in which magma meets water and are most often found, not surprisingly, at water’s edge or just off the coast. 성산일출봉 was formed by an underwater eruption some 40,000 to 120,000 years ago. The cone is attached to the mainland by thin isthmus; over the millennia, the sea has eroded the cone almost down to the base, producing a dramatic cliff that plunge almost straight down into the blue sea. As the name would suggest, it’s truly a sight to behold at sunrise.

79. (제주도) 한라산을 소개합니다.

South Korea’s highest peak at 1,950m, the grand cone of Mt.한라산 is more than just 제주도’s highlight-it is 제주도 or as the locals put is, “제주도 is 한라산, 한라산 is 제주도.” The mountain is a gigantic shield volcano, one formed entirely of lava flows, characterized by their enormous size but relatively formed entirely of lava flows, characterized by their enormous size but relatively low profiles. Mr.한라산 began forming in the Pliocene epoch; it is no longer active, with the last recorded eruptions in 1002 and 1007. It is crowned by a 400 meter-wide caldera, 백록담(lake where the white deer drinks) which, depending on the time of year, is partically filled by a shallow crater lake. The mountain also has over 360 smaller parasitic cones(오름) found throughout the island-these parasitic cones are a defining piece of 제주도’s landscape. 

Mt.한라산 is beautiful any time of year, but spring-when its vast colonies of royal azaleas blossom- is the best season to visit.

80. (제주도) 제주올레길에 대해 설명합니다.

The best way to explore 제주도 is on foot. In 2007, former journalist 서명숙 inspired by Spain’s legendary Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route-began work on plotting and restoring 제주도’s old walking paths. The walking paths-called 올레길, taking their name from the old 제주word for the paths that connected homes to the main road-take hikers through scenic pastoral and coastal landscapes in hopes of giving them “peace, happiness and healing.” They proved a tremendous success, and there are now over 300km of these paths ringing almost the entire island. 

There are 19trails in all, each trail between 15km and 20km long. Look to spend about five to eight hours on each trail. The trails are not especially taxing physically, but be sure to bring plenty of water in summer. Walking or hiking shoes are recommended, although in summer sandals might help on the sandy beach routes.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사를 검색해 보아요

추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

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