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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령73~76)부산,경주 경상도

73. (경주) 불국사에 대해 설명합니다.

The jewels of Korean antiquity are a short bus ride east of town on the slopes of the holy mountain Mt. (토함산). Here you can find the splendid Buddhist monastery of 불국사 and the bewitching 석굴암 Grotto. The grotto, in particular, is considered one of Korea’s finest cultural achievements, and visitors should try to see it at least once. 

불국사 was originally completed in 774; its name, which means “Temple of the Buddhist Country,” reflects Silla’s belief that the kingdom was an earthly Buddhist paradise. It’s a large complex of stone works and wooden halls and cloisters, built upon a masterful series of stone and earth terraces. The temple has seen a number of calamities over its history, but is masonry is mostly original. 불국사 is home to six National Treasures, including the beloved stone pagodas in the main courtyard, the beautiful stone staircases leading to the main precincts, and two Silla-era bronze Buddhas.

74. (경주) 동궁,월지에 대해 설명해 보아요

A few minutes’ walk east of 첨성대 brings you to 동궁,월지, a gorgeous pleasure pond that was once a favorite relaxation spot of Silla kings. When lit up in the early evening, the pond and its surrounding pavilions make for one of Korea’s most photogenic night scenes. King Munmu of Silla ordered the pond’s construction in 674; When it was restored in the 1970~80s, an archeological treasure trove was unearthed, offering great insight into life in the Silla era.

75. (부산) 해운대를 소개해 보아요

This is 1.5Km long, 30 to 50 m wide stretch of coarse white sand, backed up by the shining towers of Busan’s recent affluence, is widely considered Korea’s finest beach. 
That it probably is, but it’s also Korea’s most crowded, at least at the height of the summer vacation periodwhen approximately a million tourists descend upon it. 
With the number of beach umbrellas that get planted here, it’s amazing any sunlight hits the sand at all. On Aug2, 2008, the beach set a Guiness World Record with 7,937 beach umbrellas set up in a single day.

76. (부산) 국제시장을 설명해 보아요
국제(international) Market is the biggest and best known of Busan’s outdoor wholesale markets, Its history goes back to 1945, when Japanese colonists in Korea and Manchuria, forced to return to Japan after Tokyo’s defeat in the Pacific War, gathered in what is now Gukje Market to sell off their worldly possessions before getting on the boat home. The market really took off during the Korean War when Busan-and the market area in particular-was flooded with refugees from elsewhere in Korea. Tons of black market goods from US military bases magically found their way into the market, which till the 70s was the place in Korea to find hard-to-get imported cosmetics, clothing and other foreign luxuries.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사를 검색해 보아요

추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

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