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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령12)-세종대왕의 업적

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


King Sejong the Great (1418-1450)


- King Sejong the Great is the most respected person in Korea. 

- He loved his people so much that he wanted to help them live conveniently. 

- So he created Korean alphabet Hangeul for his people to read and write easily. 

- Hangeul is an original and remarkable phonographic script. 

- If you hear any sounds, you can write them down directly in Hangeul. 

- Foreign experts say that Hangeul is the most scientific writing system in the world.


- During the time of King Sejong, Joseon achieved a lot of scientific developments. 

- He ordered the scholars to make inventions for convenient life. 

- His representative invention, Cheugug is the world's first rain gauge. 

- Sundials and water clocks were invented, too. 

- He was also interested in printing type typography and published many books. 


- His achievement includes strengthening of Korean military. 

- King Sejong was an effective military planner. 

- He created various military regulations to strengthen the safety of his kingdom, supported the  

  advancement of Korean military technology, including cannon(대포) development. 

  (Different kinds of mortars and fire arrows were tested as well as the use of gunpowder)

- In 1433, Sejong sent Kim Jongseo, a prominent general, north to destroy the Jurchens (여진족), 

  later known as the Manchus). 

- Kim's military campaign conquered several castles, pushed north, and expanded Korean territory, 

  to the Songhua River. Four forts and six posts were established(사군육진) to safeguard the people 

  from the Jurchen.



朝鲜第四代王世宗(shì zōng)大王可以称得上是韩国历史上最伟大的人物。



的发展,测雨器(cè yǔ qì )的发明等。 

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