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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령81~85)서울

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

81. (서울) N서울타워를 소개해 봅니다.

One of Seoul’s recognizable landmarks, N Seoul Tower-originally named Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower-was built in 1969 as a communication tower and opened to the public as a park in 1980. In 2005, the tower’s new owners- the CJ corporation-gave the tower a major face lift, renovating the facilities and making it a much nicer place to visit, especially with a date. There are several restaurants, including the upscale N Grill, a revolving restaurant with a killer views, and the stationary Korean restaurant Hankook, which has just as nice views with much more affordable menu. There’s also an observation deck and one of the most jaw-dropping restrooms you’re likely to ever use.

82. (서울) 남산골 한옥마을에 대해 설명해 보아요

In a small vally on the northern slope of Mt남산 is남산골한옥 village, a wonderful collection of historic Korean homes that were moved to the spot and lovingly restored. The homes, of various social classes, were restored and adorned with class-appropriate furnishings to give visitors a sense of 조선 era lifestyles.

The village hosts various events and programs to give visitors a taste of Korean traditional culture, including art and craft classes. On the 추석 and 설날 holidays, the place is overrun with visitors.

한국의집- Just in front of 남산골한옥 Village is Korea Hous, one of Korea’s most famous Korean restaurants. Modeled after one of the halls of 경복궁palace, the beautiful 한옥 eatery is more than a restaurant-it’s a cultural experience. Lunch and dinner is served, with the house specialty being 한정식. Folk performances are staged in the evening as well The venue is also frequently used to host Korea-style weddings.

83. (서울) 남대문 시장을 소개해 주세요

남대문 Market has a history that goes back 500years to the start of the 조선 era, when merchants set up shop just outside the city walls near the current location of the market. Today’s incarnation dates from 1922 and is, along with 동대문 market, one of Seoul’s two largest markets. The market has over 10,000 shops, both large and small. It’s most known for clothing, agricultural goods, everyday goods, foodstuffs and medical supplies, although these are but a few of the things that can be found. Foreign tourists find the ginseng products, seaweed and curios to be of particular interest, but even if you are not buying, it’s great just to stroll around and take in the market atmosphere, with vendors hawking their wares and customers engaging in serious haggling. You might also want to check out the so-called 도깨비 market, filled with off-market goods.

*haggling- unlike in the big department stores and brand-name shops of 명동, haggling and bargaining is a perfectly accepted means of doing business in 남대문. In fact, it’s encouraged, but don’t expect deep price cutting, either.

84. (서울) 동대문시장을 소개해 보아요

Twenty-six shopping malls, 30,000 specialty shops and 50,000 manufactures. All within a 10-block radius. 동대문market is the place to go for fashion, period. 압구정동,south of the 한강 river, might have the luxury brands, and 명동 the international brand outlets, but for fashion junkies looking for unique designs at decent prices, 동대문 is the place to go. Even if you are not ino clothing, it’s a great place to visit, particularly at night when all its lights, action and crowds make for an impressive show of human energy. Dongdaemun is open pretty much all day and all night, but retailers and wholesalers keep different hours.

85. (서울) 코엑스몰(스타필드) 를 소개해 보아요

Located in the landmark Korea World Trade Center complex of 삼성동, COEX Mall is the largest underground mall in Asia. With over 260 shops, it’s a great place to go on a rainy day. A very popular destination for foreign visitors, it has everything you’d expect in a mammoth shopping mall-stores, restaurants, cafes, a very popular movie theater, Korea’s best aquarium, even a museum dedicated to Korea’s gift to global culinary cuisine-김치. Also part of the complex are two luxury hotels and one of Seoul’s best casinos. Just across from the mall is 봉은사 Temple, one of Seoul’s biggest Buddhist temples. 
*봉은사- just across from the Korea World Trade Center complex is the Buddhist temple of 봉은사, one of seoul’s largest. It was fonded in 794, a few old buildings survived, along with some precious examples of Buddhist art. The 23 meter tall statue of the Maintreya Buddha cuts an impressive figure as it looks out upon Korea World Trade Center skyscraper.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사를 검색해 보아요

추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

2018/06/15 - [하루하나 관광통역안내사] - 하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령1)-가이드란 무엇인가?

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