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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령86~91)경기도

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

86. (경기) DMZ를 설명합니다.

It’s often said that the Korean Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, is one of the most dangerous places on Earth. This distinction is probably technically true-the mountains and hillsides on both sides of 4km strip of land separating the two Koreas bristle with troops, guard posts, tanks, missile, bunkers,land mines and other tools of death and destruction.

Yet the DMZ is perhaps Korea’s supreme irony. As you gaze out upon the DMZ from Checkpoint 3 of 판문점’ JSA area, your attention is drawn not to the rare opportunity to peek into mysterious North Korea, the North Korean soldiers perched on the watchtower nearby or your chances of survival in a sudden re-opening of hostilities. Instead, you are captivated by the supreme tranquility-the quite the lush green hillsides, the rare birds swooping into untouched marshlands. Here, at the most militarized border on the planet, you feel completely at peace.

The DMZ stretches some 248Km across the Korean Peninsula from the mouth of the 임진강river in the west to the town of 고성 in the east. The demilitarized zone itself, where human activity has been greatly limited for the last half-century, has become one of Asia’s greatest nature preserves. In the sparsely populated hinterlands just outside the zone, where is seems soldiers outnumber civilians, you can find both towering monuments to battle won and derelict ruins that stand witness to the tragedy of war.

87. (경기) 임진각 국민관광지 설명하고 안의 구조물에 대해 소개합니다.

*망배단 – Between 1945, when Korea was divided, and the start of the Korean War, an estimated 3.5million North Koreans fled to the South to escape communist oppression. They were joined by countless more during the Korean War and, more recently a growing number of defectors fleeing the famine and repression of today’s North Korea. In Korean, these people are called 실향민. 

실향민, used to come 임진각 on holidays and construct temporary altars at which they would perform the ancestral rites. In 1986, South Korean government constructed the 망배단, a permanent altar for their use.

*경의선철교 – the trussed railway bridge crossing the 임진강 river the 경의선railway bridge. If you look carefully, you can see that at one time there were two bridges: the estern one has been restored while only the pylons remain of the western one.

The bridge were built in 1905 as part of the 서울-신의주 railway that linked 서울 with 평양 

And beyond that, the great railroad networks of Manchuria and Russia. After Korea’s division in 1945, however, service along the line was cut and, during the Korean War, both bridges were destroyed, although one was later rebuilt. The bridges are located past the Civilian Control Line and are hence off-limits to civilians without special permissions.

*자유의 다리 – Just behind the 망배단 alter is the so-called “freedom bridge,” a simple wooden bridge that was a temporary span built over the 임진강river in 1953 to carry home the 13,773 South Korean POWs following the Armistice Agreement. It was later moved to its current spot to be preserved as a memorial. At the northern end of the bridge is a barbed wire fence overlooked by a guard tower where the Civilian Control Line begins. Visitors often leave ribbons, banners, flags and handwritten notes on the fence.

*장단역 증기기관차- Near the Freedom Bridge is an old, rusted and very much battle-worn steam locomotive. For the better part of 60 years, the old train was left rusting in the DMZ but was moved to its current location in 2009 to allow visitors to see an important piece of history and symbol of national division. According to the train’s final operator, it was carrying a load of military supplies to UN forces, but Chinese operations made it impossible to reach destination. The train stopped to await further instructions before machine gun fire started ripping in –possible from UN troops who worried it might be used by the communists-resulting in the 1,020 bullet holes ridding the train body.

89. (경기) 한국민속촌을 소개하세요

Korean Folk Village is, natch, a Korean folk village-and a large one, at that. You could literally spend an entire day wandering around the place; or two days if you happen to get lost. It’s been said by some that Korean Folk Village is “artificial.” This is true-unlike 안동하회마을 or 순천낙안읍성, Korean Folk Village is not a pre-existing historic village that has been preserved. It was purpose-built in 1974 as an open-air folk museum. 

That being said, as folk villages go, Korean Folk Village has been done quite tastefully. The 조선Dynasty-style homes and buildings-some 270 structures sitting on a grand total of 245 acres-have been painstakingly reconstructed as authentically as possible. So good are the reconstructions and atmosphere that the village is frequently used as a film set. The place is very picturesque-a camera is mandatory.

90. (경기)남한산성을 설명하세요

남한산성 fortress is a picturesque mountain fortress that rings the hilltops overlooking the 서울suburb of 분당. The nearly 12km of walls and gates, surrounded by richly forested hillsides, were built in the 17th century, and contain temples, shrines and even a temporary palace for use by the king. The walls provide breathtaking views of the city of Seoul, especially from the West Gate, from where sunsets and night views are particularly inspiring. In 2014, has been designated UNESCO heritage.

Historically, the fortress is most famous for a dramatic siege that took place here in 1636. The Manchus, then in the midst of a war against China’s Ming Dynasty, had invaded Korea after the court of King 인조 rebuffed Manchu demands for recognition. Despite the enemy’s overwhelming numbers, the defenders held out bravely for 45days before news came that the island of강화도, where royal family had taken refuge, had fallen, and 인조’s queen, consorts and children were now captive.

91. (강원) 태백산을 소개합니다.

The best reason to come to the town is to hike up 태백산, one of Korea’s tallest peaks at 1,567m. it’s a big mountain but not a particularly difficult one to climb-there are no cliffs to negotiate and the path is blissfully smooth. From the upper reaches, the views of the surrounding 태백산 Range are breathtaking. If you bring a flashlight and get to the peak early, the sunrises are spectacular. 

Mt 태백산 is very important in spiritual and cultural. According to legend it was here that환웅,the son of the King of Heaven, came down from Heaven to found his own sacred city and teach men how to live. Accordingly, the entire mountain is dotted with shrines, altars and Buddhist temples, the most impressive of these being the stone altar complex of 천제단, atop the highest peak itself. The biggest rites are held at 천제단 every Oct 3, Korea’s National Foundation Day holiday.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사를 검색해 보아요

추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

2018/06/15 - [하루하나 관광통역안내사] - 하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령1)-가이드란 무엇인가?

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