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하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령8)유네스코 무형유산

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8. 한국의 유네스코 무형문화유산에 어떤것이 있으며 각각을 설명하시오

1. Jongmyo Jerye & Jeryeak; Royal Ancestral Rituals in Jongmyo Shrine and its Music (Designated 2001)

Jongmyo Jerye is a national ceremony held for the kings and queens of the Joseon Period in Jongmyo Shrine where the ancestral tablets are preserved. 

Jongmyo Jeryeak, Royal Ancestral Ritual Music, was performed when the royal family held a ceremony for the repose of their ancestors in the Shrine, simply named 'Jongmyoak.‘ Traditional Korean instruments are used following the order of the ritual.

2. Pansori Epic Chant; A Traditional Muscial Story Telling (Designated 2003)

Pansori is a genre of musical storytelling performed by a vocalist and a drummer. This popular tradition, characterized by expressive singing, stylized speech, a repertory of narratives and gesture. With a distinct, inimitable sound, rhythm, and singing technique, diverse human emotions can be felt through Pansori, making it a truly representative of Korea’s unique cultural landscape.

3. Gangneung Danoje Festival; Indigenous Traditional Mask Dancing (Designated 2005)

The Gangneung Danoje Festival is held around Dano, the fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar. It holds great cultural value as one of Korea's Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in demonstrating a Confucian festive rite that harmonized well with the concepts of shamanism and Buddhism.

4. Ganggangsullae; Singing and Dancing Under the Bright Full Moon (Designated 2009)

Under a bright full moon, dozens of young women gather in a circle, join hands and sing and dance all night under the direction of the lead singer. The dance is usually performed around Seollal (Lunar New Year’s Day), Daeboreum (The first full moon of the new year of the lunar calendar), Dano (the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar) and Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving day) holidays on the brightest night of the full moon.

5. Namsadang Nori; Marvelous Feats of the Namsadang Clowns (Designated 2009)

Namsadangnori (남사당놀이) generally refers to traditional Korean performances staged by Namsadangpae (남사당패), a vagabond troupe of male performers. Namsadangnori was a tradition rooted in the experience of the common people, and performances were staged especially for them. 

6. Yeongsanjae; Re-enactment of Buddha’s Delivery of the Lotus Sutra on the Vulture Peak (Designated 2009)

Yeongsanjae is a Buddhist ritual for the deceased. Silla created the ritual when Buddhism was introduced to the peninsula and spread rapidly, briefly becoming the official religion of all three kingdoms. Yeongsanjae acts as a bridge to inherit the value of Buddhism in an artistic form and re-enactment of Buddha’s delivery of the Lotus Sutra on the Vulture Peak and zen meditation.

7. Cheoyongmu; Masked Dance Performance Based on the Legendary Tale of Cheoyong (Designated 2009)

Cheoyongmu is a court dance today performed on stage but formerly used to dispel evil spirits and pray for tranquillity at royal banquets or during exorcism rites on New Year’s Eve to promote good fortune. Based on the Korean legend of Cheoyong, a son of the dragon king Yongwang, who took human form and saved his human wife from the smallpox spirit through singing and dancing, the dance is performed by five men clad in white, blue, black, red and yellow to represent the four cardinal directions and the centre.

8. Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut; Ritual by Female Divers to Pray for Calm Seas and an Abundant Catch (Designated 2009)

The Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut is a gut ritual held in the first half of the second lunar month at Chilmeoridang Shrine in Jeju-do. Female divers called haenyeo, ship-owners and villagers gather at the shrine to practice the ritual.

9. Gagok; Lyric Song Cycles Accompanied by an Orchestra (Designated 2010)

Gagok refers to a genre of Korean vocal music composed of traditional three-line poetry (sijo) and accompanied by an ensemble of native instruments, including of a twelve- or six-stringed zither and various percussion instruments. 

10. Daemokjang; Traditional Wooden Architecture (Designated 2010)

The term ‘Daemokjang’ refers to traditional Korean wooden architecture and specifically to the woodworkers who employ the traditional carpentry techniques. The activities of these practitioners also extend to the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of historic buildings, ranging from traditional Korean houses to monumental wooden palaces and temples.

11. Falconry; A Living Human Heritage (Designated 2010)

Unlike other forms of hunting, falconry is an indirect method of hunting that uses a trained falcon. Its recorded history goes back almost 4 thousand years, to when hunting first originated. However, over many years, it also became recognized as a form of sport. Falcons raised to capture prey were extensively trained and in the process, became domesticated.

12. Jultagi; Tightrope Walking (Designated 2011)

Jultagi, or tightrope walking is a traditional Korean acrobatic performance, normally accompanied by music and witty dialogue between the tightrope walker and an earthbound clown. The tightrope walker executes a variety of acrobatic acts on the rope, along with jokes, mimicry, songs and dance, displaying some forty different rope techniques.

13.Taekkyeon; A Traditional Korean Martial Art (Designated 2011)

Taekkyeon is a traditional Korean martial art that dates back to the Three Kingdoms Era. Although it teaches fighting skills, the movements are graceful and gentle rather than straight and rigid. Taekkyeon also requires enormous flexibility and inner strength, and uses a broad variety of offensive and defensive skills so as to not hurt one’s opponent. 

14. Weaving of Mosi (Fine Ramie) in the Hansan Region (Designated 2011)

Ramie fabric (mosi in Korean) produced in the Hansan region of Chungcheongnam-do is named after its origin of production, hence called "Hansan mosi" in Korean. The practice of weaving mosi is famous here due to its invaluable community asset of successfully passing down the technique over generations for a quality-assured outcome. 

15.Arirang; Lyrical Folk Song in the Republic of Korea (Designated 2012)

Arirang is a popular Korean folk song and the outcome of collective contributions made by ordinary Koreans over many generations. It's a simple song. The simple musical and literary composition invites diverse improvision, giving opportunities to be sung and enjoyed by almost all Koreans.

16. Gimjang

(김장) is the traditional process of preparation and preservation of kimchi, in the wintertime. Kimchi is the spicy Korean pickled vegetable dish seasoned with spices and fermented seafood. It forms an essential part of Korean meals, transcending class and regional differences. The collective practice of Kimjang reconfirms Korean identity and is an excellent opportunity for strengthening family cooperation. Preparation follows a yearly cycle. In spring, households procure shrimp, anchovy and other seafood for salting and fermenting. In summer, they buy sea salt for the brine. In late summer, red chilli peppers are dried and ground into powder. Late autumn is Kimjang season, when communities collectively make and share large quantities of kimchi to ensure that every household has enough to sustain it through the long winter. Housewives check weather forecasts to determine the most favourable date and temperature for preparing kimchi. There are regional differences, and the specific methods and ingredients used in Kimjang are considered an important family heritage, typically transmitted from a mother-in-law to her newly married daughter-in-law. Gimjang was listed as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in December 2013.

17. Nongak; Community Band Music, Dance and Rituals in the Republic of Korea (Designated 2014)

Nongak is accompanied by many traditional percussion and wind instruments along with a street parade, dance choreography and acrobatic moves. It is usually only shown during festivals such as praying for a rich harvest in spring, celebrating the harvest in autumn, and during a few professional entertainment events.

18. 줄다리기

Tugging rituals and games are enacted to ensure abundant harvests and prosperity. People are divided into two teams. Each team pulls one end of a rope attempting to tug it from the other. Tugging rituals and games are often organized in front of a village’s communal house or shrine to promote the well-being of the community. Also, they remind members of the importance of cooperation. Village elders play active roles in leading and organizing younger people in playing the game and holding accompanying rituals. Tugging rituals and games also serve to strengthen unity and solidarity and sense of belonging and identity among community members. It is designated UNESCO's World Intangible Heritage in 2015.

19. 제주해녀문화Culture of Jeju Haenyeo(Women Divers)

Jeju-do's diving women(haenyo) are a local cultural icon and a symbol of the country's distinctive culture. in Jeju island, women were often the chief breadwinners of the family. 

Haenyeo begin learning their trade from the time they are girls. it takes great skill to be a Haenyo-the women should be able to free dive(without oxygen tanks) to depths of 20 meters and hold their breath fore several minutes. 

For added safetty against sharks and accidents, Haenyo almost always work in groups. favored catches are conch, abalone, octopus and sea cucumber.

준비 TIP 

19개를 다 외우기는 힘들지만 

김장(한국 음식 소개할 때 어떻게 담구고 등등 설명해야함),

줄다리기(매사냥과 같이 여러나라 공동 등재- 베트남/필리핀/캄보디아/한국)

농악,종묘제례악,강릉단오제(단오에 대해 설명)

등에 대해서는 1분 정도 설명할 준비는 해 두시는게 좋습니다.

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