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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령11-고려에 대한 설명

고려에 대해서 설명해 보아요

- In the late Silla kingdom, influential people monopolized power and wealth. 

- They didn't care about politics and sufferings of common people. 

- So they lost control of local lords or 호족 and the country entered the process of fragmentation. - Two famous local lords were 궁예 of Later Goguryeo and 견훤 of Later Baekje. 

- 왕건 was a loyal general and retainer of 궁예, but he overthrew 궁예 and ascended to the throne 

  of Goryeo. 

- 왕건 successfully annexed Silla, Later Baekje and finished the later three kingdoms period

- Current English name of our country, Korea, was named after “Goryeo”. 

- Foreign trade was very active and brisk in Goryeo Dynasty.

- Ruling class change: Aristocrats -> Military Regime -> Influential Familes

- Goryeo is well known for its Buddhist cultures and Printing techniques.

- One of the most notable cultural heritage is Tripitaka Koreana which is the Buddist scripture 

  carved on more than 80,000 woodblocks. They tried to defend themselves from the invasion of 

  Mongolia by their belief in Buddhism

- They also printed Jikji which is the oldest existing metal movable type book

중국어 버젼

高丽王朝(公元918年-1392年)由王建所建。王建原来是新罗一个反叛王子弓裔(gōng yì )手下的一名将军。他选择自己的家乡松岳(sōng yuè)(现今的开城)作为首都,并宣称要收复高句丽在中国东北的失地。


失地,但却取得了以青瓷(qīng cí )和繁荣(fán róng)的佛教为代表的文化成就。此外,直指心体要节(zhí zhǐ xīn tǐ yào jiē )和八万大藏经也是高丽时代有代表性的文化遗产。 

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추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다.

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