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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령37)-창덕궁

많은 가이드들이 좋아하고 실제로 만족도도 높은 곳이 창덕궁입니다. 특히 후원은 과거시험을 보던 영화당부터해서 아름답죠.. 유교적인 사상에 따라 만들어진 법궁 경복궁과는 다르게 자연지형을 거스르지 않고 조화를 이룬 균형감이 특징입니다.

37) 창덕궁

- "Prospering Virtue Palace"

- Referred to as the east palace 

- Secondary palace

- The buildings blend with the natural topography of the site instead of imposing themselves upon it.

- Heavily damaged during Japanese Occupation

- The Palace was burnt to the ground during the 임진war in 1592 and reconstructed.

- the site of the royal court and the seat of government until 1868, when 경복궁 was rebuilt. 

- Korea's last Emperor, Sunjong lived here until his death in 1926. 

- Other members of the former Royal family were permitted to live in parts of the palace such as 

former Crown Prince Yi Un who lived in the Nakseon- jae (hall) Buildings with his wife Princess 

Bangja and sister Princess Deokhye until their respective deaths

- Contrary to Gyeongbokgung whose main buildings are arranged in accurate architectural 

principle, however, buildings in Changdeokgung are disposed more freely without a strict rule. 

- Portions of the palace were used to film the hugely popular Korean drama Dae Jang Geum in the 

first decade of the 21st century.

- the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997.

1) Donhwamun Gate 

– The main palace gate. 

- the largest of all palace gates. 

2) Geumcheongyo Bridge 

– Oldest bridge still extant in Seoul. Built 1411.

3) Injeongjeon Hall (National Treasure) 

– The throne hall of Changdeokgung, 

- Used for major state affairs including the coronation of a new king and receiving foreign envoys. 

4) Seonjeongjeon Hall 

– An office.

- Daily meetings with ministers, reported on state affairs and seminars here.

5) Huijeongdang Hall 

– Originally the king's bed chamber

- Became his workplace after 선정전 was deemed too small for conducting routine state affairs. 

- The original Huijeongdang was destroyed by a fire in 1917. The reconstructed structure is 

completely different from the original due to recent Western influences. 

6) Daejojeon Hall 

– Official residence of the queen. 

7) Yeon-gyeongdang Residence 

– Built in 1827, it was an audience hall modeled after a typical literati house.

- No dancheong

8) Huwon

A small colorful wooden pavilion on a pond covered with lotus leaves 

Buyongjeong Pavilion and Buyeongji pond at the Huwon area

- The garden incorporates a lotus pond, pavilions, and landscaped lawns, trees, and flowers. There - 'Geumwon' (금원, 禁苑, Forbidden garden) 

- Today Koreans often call it 'Biwon' (비원, 秘院, Secret garden)

- In September 2012, the Buyongjeong pavilion in the garden was re-opened.

- A variety of ceremonies hosted by the king were held in Huwon. 

⇒ military inspections, feasts, archery tournaments held, and fireworks.

* 부용지(부용정)

창덕궁 후원에 조성된 인공 연못과 열 십(十)자 모양의 정자. 조선시대 왕이 과거에 급제한 이들에게 주연을 

베풀어 축하해 주던 장소로 정조가 신하들과 연못에서 낚시를 즐겼다고 한다.

* 영화당

- 부용지 동편에 있는 건물

- 조선시대 과거 시험장(정조가 시제를 내리고 합격한 응시자들이 마지막 시험을 보았다.)

- 현재 현판은 영조의 친필

* Juhamnu Pavilion (Kyujanggak) 주합루

– Royal libraries . 

- State exams were conducted in front of the pavilion on special occasions in presence of the king.

* The Ongnyucheon (옥류천, 玉流川, "Jade Stream") 

- Contains a U-shaped water channel carved in 1636 for floating wine cups, with a small waterfall 

and an inscribed poem on the boulder above it. The area also contains five small pavilions.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사준비를 검색하세요

추천 및 광고 클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다.

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