한글의 우수성과 특징
- The illiteracy rate of Korean are lower than 1%.
- Hangeul is a very scientific language and it is also easy to learn.
- Back in 1443, Joseon Dynasty, King Sejong and his scholars created Hangeul.
- It is different from the Chinese character called Hanja which was commonly used among the
educated people only.
- To make it easier for the common people to learn, King Sejong the Great invented Hangeul.
- The Korean alphabet originally had 17 consonant and 11 vowel letters. (Now 14-10)
- (However, instead of being written sequentially like the letters of the Latin alphabet,)
- Hangeul letters are grouped into blocks
- Each syllabic block consists of two to six letters, including at least one consonant and one vowel. - These blocks are then arranged horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom.
such as 한, although the syllable 한 may look like a single character, it is actually composed of
three letters: ㅎ(h),ㅏ(a), and ㄴ(n).
- According to many prominent linguists, Hangeul is the most logical writing system in the world.
- This great invention certainly deserves to be commemorated.
- So 9th of SEP was designated as a Hangeul day to celebrate the creation and the proclamation of
한글의 우수성-중국어
训民正音(现称 Hangul)是韩语所使用的字母,朝鲜的第四代国王世宗大王所创造,于1446年10月发表。古时的训民正音有二十八个字母;而现代朝鲜语有一共有二十四个字母,十四个为子音(声母)字母和十个为母音(韵母)字母。
世宗大王于1446年颁布韩文,最初的正式名 称为“训民正音”。同年,各学者遵循(zūn xún )王命编写了训民正音解说书, 该解说书的名称也叫“训民正音”。为了区分两者,将解说书称为 “训民正音解例本”。(xùn mín zhèng yīn jiě lì běn) 详细解释了韩文创造的目 的及原理,目前收藏于首尔涧松(jiàn sōng)美术馆,于1997年被联合国教科 文组织列入世界记忆遗产。
一共有17个子音、11个母音。共28个,目前其中现代朝鲜文中已经没有ㅿㆁㆆㆍ这四个字母了, 所以现在是24个字。
训民正音的字母非常容易学习,其形态也异常(yì cháng)地符合语音结构,所以训民正音被称为是世上最易学习和最科学化之一的字母。《训民正音》对于进一步丰富、发展朝鲜民族文化和语言有重要意义。
训民正音构字原理与字型独特(dú tè),字母笔划简洁,拼读简便灵活,能够标记韩语的一切发音,也可以比较自如地表现出任何一种语言。它的创制成功是朝鲜历史上的划时代大事。
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