주로 독립운동가 한 명 정도 얘기해보고 무슨 일을 했는지 등에 대해서 물어봅니다.. 적어도 한 명 정도는 자세하게 얘기할 수 있어야 합니다.
- Kim Gu was a leader of the Korean independence movement and a reunification activist.
- He devoted his life to achieve independence from Japan and build a united Korea.
- In 1893, he joined the Donghak movement and became the regional leader.
- The next year, while he was leading the Donghak Peasant Revolution, he went to Manchuria to
escape from Japanese soldiers.
- In 1919, Kim Gu went to Shanghai, China, joining the Provisional Government of Korea.
- After then, he organized the Korea Patriotic Legion and Korean Liberation Army.
- He spent many years fighting against Japanese Imperialism.
- After the independence of Korea in 1945, he came back to Seoul and tried to prevent the
division of the Korean peninsula. However, this failed.
- In 1949, Kim was assassinated by a Korean soldier, Ahn Doo-hee.
- In 1962, he was awarded Order of Merit for National Foundation(건국훈장).
- Kim Gu is buried at Hyochang Park in Seoul. The small park and the museum are dedicated to
him. It is worth visiting the park.
* 안중근
- He was a Korean Independence activist and a nationalist.
- He studied confucianism in his young age, but he was also a sincere catholic.
- He established private schools and devoted himself to education of Korean people.
- He assassinated Ito Hirobumi, who is a four-time Japanese resident general.
- After shooting Ito Hirobumi, Ahn yelled out for Korean independence in China and waved the
Korean flag.
- Ahn was arrested by russian guards and handed over to Japanese army.
- In the court he insisted that he was a lieutenant general, not a criminal.
- After many trials, he was sentenced to death and died for Korea in 1910.
金九是韩国历史上的一个传奇人物, 著名的韩国独立运动家,被誉为 “韩国国父”。1919年三一运动后亡命到上海,参与大韩民国临时政府的组织,历任警务局长、内务总长、国务领和主席。
韩国解放以后,金九为建立一个统一的、独立自主的韩国进行了百折不挠(bǎi shé bú náo)的斗争。1949年6月26日被极右主义者安斗熙(ān dòu xī )暗杀。
安重根是朝鲜近代史上著名的独立运动家。1909年10月26日,安重根在中国哈尔滨成功击毙(jī bì)了侵略朝鲜的元凶、前日本首相伊藤博文(yī téng bó wén),当场被捕,被判处死刑,于1910年3月26日在中国旅顺执行。安重根被称为义士。
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