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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령19)- 한국의 유교

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

유교에 대한 설명은 요약이 중요하죠..(설명할 것이 너무 많습니다.) 유교 소개와 대표적인 건축물인 종묘/서원에 대해서 소개해 보았습니다.


- Confucianism was introduced from China and modified in Korea for centuries. 

- Today the legacy of Confucianism remains a fundamental part of Korean society, shaping the 

  moral system, the way of life, social relations between old and young, and respect for elders. 

- We have memorial services for ancestors on lunar New Year's Day and Chuseok, Korean 

  Thanksgiving day. 


- The supreme state shrine that the spirit tablets of deceased kings and queens are kept. 

- There are two halls. One is Jeongjeon, the main hall. It contains 19 chambers to shrine 49 spirit 

  tablets including Taejo, the founder of Joseon dynasty. 

- The other is Yeongjeongjeon which has 16 chambers to shrine 34 tablets. 

- Only Korea has preserved its royal shrine and continues to perform royal ancestral rites known 

  as Jongmyo Jerye and its music. 

- This is the reason why Jongmyo was designated as Unesco World Heritage List in 1995. 


- A type of private confucian academy of the Joseon dynasty

- It served the function of both a Confucian shrine and a preparatory school. 

- In educational terms, seowon was primarily occupied with preparing students for the national 

  civil service examinations. 

- In most cases, seowon served only pupils of the aristocratic class. 

- The first Confucian academy was launched by Ju Se-bung in North Gyeongsang Province in 1543. 

- It is known as Baegungdong Seowon. It was recognized by King Myeongjong in 1550 and changed 

  its name to Sosu Seowon. It became the first seowon endorsed by a king.

중국어(서원은 논란이 될 수 있어서 제외하였어요)





1. 对父母尽孝是家庭生活的基础,这一传统保留至今。儒教思想特别重视礼仪,强调恭顺 (qiáng diào gōng shùn)。 

2. 祖先的忌日和中秋节等传统节日举行祭祀这一儒教仪式。



面都有着自己独特的风格。特别是主殿的正殿,正面极长,共分19格,总面积达1, 270平方

米,被认为是世界上规模最大的单一木结构建筑。宗庙的氛围庄严而精致(zhuāng yán ér jīng zhì)。 

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