7. 단군 신화의 의미와 단군 왕검의 뜻
- Dangun Wanggeom is the founder of Gojoseon, the first country in Korean history.
- The legend of Dangun begins with his grandfather, Hwanin(Lord of Heaven).
- Hwanin dispatched his son, Hwanung, with his ministers of clouds, rain and wind to teach and govern humans
⇒ Ministers of clouds, rain and wind represents the key elements needed for farming.
Thus, we can see that Gojoseon was an agricultural society.
- A tiger and a bear prayed to Hwanung to become human, so Hwanung tested them by ordering
them to eat only garlics and mugwort.
- The tiger gave up, whereas the bear persevered and was transformed into a woman.
⇒ This story shows that the bear tribe successfully absorbed the tiger tribe.
- Hwanung married the bear and gave birth to a son named Dangun Wanggeom
- The word Dangun and Wanggeom means "priests" and "governor" respectively. In sum, Gojoseon
was a theocracy society where the state and religion are united.
1. 古朝鲜 - 檀君王俭(tán jun1 wáng jiǎn)于公元前2333年10月3日在满洲辽宁地区和韩半岛西北部建立韩半岛第一个国家。这一天就是韩民族的延生日。我们为了庆祝这一天把10月3日定为开天节, 加以纪念。
2. 檀君王俭(tán jun1 wáng jiǎn)的名字: 檀君是指在宗教活动中, 为了祭拜的的祭祀长。 王俭是指统治家的人物。这说明当时社会是祭政一致的国家。
3. 古朝鲜的建国理念:弘益人间(hóng yì rén jiān),指的是给所有的人类带来幸福的意思。
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