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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령36)-경복궁

36) 경복궁에 대한 설명

- Built in 1395 as the main palace of Joseon Dynasty

- 경복궁(景福宮): "The new dynasty will be greatly blessed and prosperous"

- Located in the political and economic center of the nation

- The palace site is based on Pungsu idea, a divination based on topography.

⇒ Arranged according to "Baesanimsu" idea, facing the 청계 stream with many mountains(인왕산, 북악산, 낙산) surrounding the palace.

- Having served as the main palace for about 200 years, the palace was burnt down by Japanese 

during Imjin War in 1592

- It was left in ruins for 273 years until 흥선대원군(King Gojong's father) rebuilt it.

- Within the palace were places for state affairs, residence and gardens for leisure and recreation.

- Severely damaged by Japanese again during Japanese Occupation

- An effort to fully restore the palace has been ongoing since 1990, and the palace is visited and 

loved by not only Koreans and also foreigners.

1) 정전: 근정전(勤政殿) - National treasure No. 223

- The main throne hall

- Meaning: "King's diligence will manage the state affairs properly."

- State events(national rituals, receptions for foreign envoys, coronation ceremony) were held.

2) 편전: 사정전(思政殿)

- The council hall

- Meaning: "The place where king should think deeply to decide what is right or wrong."

- The king routinely discussed national affairs with his officials.

3) 침전: 강녕전(康寧殿)

- The sleeping quarters. / bed chambers of the king.

- Meaning: Sound mind and healthy body.

4) 왕비 침전: 교태전(交泰殿)

- The sleeping quarters. / bed chambers of the queen.

- Amisan: an artificial mound behind Gyotaejeon. Chimneys that release smoke are beside 교태전.

5) 경회루 - National treasure No. 224

- Used on joyous occasions

⇒ Feasts for foreign envoys or his court officials, Boating on the pond

- Meaning: Virtuous meeting between the king and his retainers.

⇒ the king is capable of handling national affairs only when he has the right people around him.

- Greatly expanded by King Taejong, burnt down during Imjin War and restored by King Gojong.

6) 건청궁

- Built by King Gojong in order to establish political independence from his father.

- 장안당 Hall (King's residence), 곤녕합 Hall(Queen's residence)

- Queen Myeongseong was assassinated in 곤녕합(The Eulmi incident)

7) 경복궁 4대문

-동:건춘문(建春門): "Welcome the spring"- 봄을 세운다.

-서:영추문(迎秋門): “Greet the autumn”- 가을을 맞이한다.

-남:광화문(光化門): “may the light of enlightenment blanket the world” - 나라의 위엄과 문화를 널리, 여름

-북:신무문(神武門): "Marvelous Black Tortoise" :신령스러운 현무, 겨울

⇒ The four gates of Gyeongbokgung palace were ruined during Imjin War and restored by 흥선대원군, 

father of King Gojong

8) 민속 박물관, 고궁 박물관

* 국립민속박물관: 건천궁 자리에 세워짐

The National Folk Museum

- Situated in the center of Seoul. 

- Educational venue where visitors learn about the lifestyle of Koreans from the past to present.

- Operates 3 permanent exhibition halls and an open air exhibition hall that shows the lifestyle of 

Koreans. Special exhibitions are also held to broaden the understanding of Korea.

- Collects and preserves artifacts.

- Publishes a wide range of reports on the findings of the research

- Offers various educational programs for the visitors to experience traditional arts of Korea.

*고궁박물관: 용산으로 옮겨간 국립중앙박물관의 옛 건물에 건립.

The National Palace Museum of Korea

- Over 40,000 royal relics from 경복궁, 창덕궁, 창경궁, 종묘 shrine are on display.

- It displays records, state rites, architecture, clothing, royal life, paintings and music of Joseon.

- Seeks to broaden public knowledge of the artistic and cultural legacy of the Joseon Dynasty

밴드에서 하루하나를 검색해보아요

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