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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령57)-백제문화유적지구

57) 백제문화유적지구/Backje Historic Areas (World Heritage List, 2015)

- 18C-475: Hanseong period

- 475-538: Uoongin period(공주)

- 538-660: Sabi period(익산)

- Development of architectural technology and the spread of Buddhism as the result of exchanges among the ancient East Asian kingdoms, Korea, China and Japan from 5th to 7th centuries.

많은 것을 다 외우려고 하기 보다는, 백제가 수도를 한성-웅진-사비 이렇게 옮겼지 않습니까? 그 중 서울은 제외 하고, 왕궁/도성/고분 +사찰(국교가 불교이기 때문) 이렇게 있었을 테니까 각각의 도성에 하나하나씩 열거하면 되겠습니다.

*웅진Period(공주) : AD475-538 

⓵ 공산성(Gongasanseong fortress) 

- Serving the royal palace for the sixty-four years.

- This mountain fortress occupied 20ha area 

- Gongsan Mountain is connected with downtown Gongju to the south and the Geumgang River to the north. 

- Outer side of Gongsan Mountains, form cliffs, providing optimal geographical conditions for natural fortification. 

- Gongsanseong Fortress was built for a royal palace and a defensive facility in utilizing the natural topography and mountain peaks connected to each other across valleys. 

- Important facilities, including the royal palace, were built within the fortress.

- From 1980, archaeological excavations were conducted, revealing the construction styles of the fortress rampart, the royal palace site, and the ancillary structures of the royal palace.

⓶ 송산리고분(Royal tombs in Songsan-ri)

- Royal Tombs in Songsan-ri are widely known as Tomb of King Muryeong. 

- Located on the upper southeast ridgeline of a small hill (75m high)

- First excavation was conducted in 1927 

- In 1932 illegally done during the Japanese colonial period. 

- Tomb of King Muryeong was accidentally discovered during water drainage work on the Royal Tombs in Songsan-ri in 1971

- The types of Baekje tombs discovered include; 

- “Stone chamber tomb with a corridor” (횡렬식석실분): Tombs No.1 to No.5 

- Which are the traditional type of Baekje tombs. 

- Well organized and established as an exclusive type of tomb for the royal family    of Baekje during the Ungjin Period.

- “Brick chamber tomb.”(전축분)Tomb No. 6 and the Tomb of King Muryeong 

- A type of tomb that was popular in China during that period.


⓵ 관북리유적&부소산성(Archaeological Site in Gwanbuk-ri & Busosanseong Fortress)

- located at the southern foot of Busosan Mountain (106m). 

- The Geumgang River flows around the downtown area from north to west

- To the south, a flat terrain in Buyeo was suitable for the royal palace.

- It was found a Large Building Site, Temple Site of Busosan Mountain, Water Supply Facilities, Storage Facilities, Lotus Pond etc.

- Busosanseong Fortress: Busosanseong Fortress was located at a rear side of the royal palace. It served as a rear garden during normal times and was used as a  defensive structure in the case of an emergency.

⓶ 정림사지(Jeongnimsa Temple Site)

- Constructed in the central part of the capital city during the Sabi Period

- Layout of the monks’ dormitories attached to the corridors(회랑에 접속된 북·동·서 승방지의 배치), was a unique feature found only in Baekje temples

- The temple site has 8.3m high five-story stone pagoda.(National Treasure: No.8)

- Stability and aesthetic beauty of this stone pagoda can be found in its perfect proportions. 

⓷ 능산리고분굴(Royal Tombs in Neungsan-ri)

- located on the southern part of the mountain (121m high) in Neungsan-ri. 

- Small hills are placed on the left and right of the tombs, and a small stream called Wangpocheon flows on the south of the tombs. 

- There are a total of seven tombs at this site

- the tombs in Neungsan-ri were robbed before they could be excavated. Only a few archaeological findings

- Such as gilt-bronze skull ornaments and waist belts, were left. 

- In the 1990s, the Great Gilt-bronze Incense Burner(금동대향로 국보287), stone sarira eliquaries(석제사리감 국보288)of the Baekje was discovered at a temple site 

- These discoveries reconfirmed that the tombs in Neungsan-ri belonged to the royal family of the Baekje during the Sabi Period.

⓸ 나성(Naseong City Wall)

- Surrounds the areas of Buyeo

- Constructed to defend the capital, its original appearance has remained intact

- The city wall not only had defensive capabilities, but also served as a symbolic boundary between the inner and outer areas of the capital city.


⓵ 왕궁리유적 (Archaeological Site in Wanggung-ri)

- Built as a detached palace by the royal court of Baekje in an attempt to make up for the weakness of the capital city in Sabi (Buyeo)

- Created on the low hilly land at the foot of the ridge stretching from Yonghwasan Mountain(용화산에서 시작하는 능선의 말단부에 형성된 낮은 구릉 위에)

- Palace Wall(궁장), Stoneworks(석축), Large Building Site(대형건물지), Building Site on Tiled Platform(와적기단건물지:기단구축방법이 기와를 평적한 와적기법), Rear Garden(정원), Workshop and Everyday Life Facilities(공방과 생활관련시설), Buddhist Temple Facilities(사찰관련시설)

⓶ 미륵사지(Mireuksa Temple Site)

- Located in Mireuksan Mountain (430m above sea level), Geumma myeon, Iksan, 

- The largest temple site discovered in East Asia.

- Exceptionally written in the 13th-century Korean historical document Samgukyusa (“Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms”) 

- National monument that mobilized Baekje’s national power. Also, 

- Layout of buildings in this temple were in accordance with the Buddhist scriptures, describing that the Maitreya(미륵), or Future Buddha, came from heaven to save all people with his three preachings.

부록 – 서울의 백제유적

*몽촌토성(Mongchontoseong Fortress)

- Earthen fortification from the Baekje Dynasty 

- Built between the 3rd and 4th centuries, 

- Using the natural protection offered by a tributary to the Hangang River 

- Wooden barricades for added defense on the other side. 

- Designated as Historic Site No. 297, located inside the Seoul Olympic Park.

- Features an overlapping structure of the outer and inner fortifications 

- Built along the hilly areas descending down from the Namhansanseong Fortress. 

- On display inside the fortress are artifacts excavated from Baekje Dynasty. 

- The exhibited items include various earthenware and living tools. 

- The site also displays dugout hut and storage pit sites in the state they were at the time of excavation.

* 풍납토성(Pungnaptoseong Fortress)

- Onjo, the progenitor of Kingdom Baekje, first settled in Wiryeseong Hanam. 

- But no exact location is known till today.

- Pungnaptoseong Fortress faces Hangang River to its west 

- Connects to Mongchontoseong Fortress to the south. 

- To the northwest faces Achasanseong Fortress over Hangang River

- Far to the southeast is Namhansanseong Fortress.

- Originally, the fortress was 4km in circumference, 

- But due to massive overflowing of Hangang River during flood season in 1925, most of the fortress was lost and only 2.7km of it remains. 

- To the east of the fortress are 4 vestiges of the fortress gates. 

- The remains from the prehistoric era through the Samguk (Three States) era have been unearthed, indicating that this place was a residential area well before the Baekje Era. Through vigorous excavation, some people suggest that there used to be a palace located here during the Baekje Era.

밴드에서 하루하나 관통사를 검색해 보아요

추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

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