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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령53)-조선왕조실록,일성록,승정원일기

53) 조선왕조실록 / 일성록 / 승정원일기

조선왕조실록(The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty)

The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty cover more than 470 years of the history of the dynasty, from the reign of King Taejo (r. 1392-1398), the founder, to the reign of King Cheoljong (r. 1849-1863). With the kings as the central figures, the annals are daily records of the overall history and culture of the Joseon Dynasty, covering politics, military affairs, the social system, law, economics, industry, transportation, communications, customary arts, crafts, religion, etc. The annals of a given king were definitively compiled only when his successor ordered it. The materials were collected from Sacho(사초), or Draft History, Sijeonggi(시정기), or Daily Records, Seungjeongwon Ilgi(승정원일기), or the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, Uijeongbu Deungnok, or the Documents of the State Council, Bibyeonsa Deungnok, or Records of the Border Defense Council, Ilseongnok(일성록), or Daily Records of the Royal Court and Important Officials, etc. 

The Daily Records were placed in the custody of the Office for Annals Compilation (Chunchugwan). Nobody was allowed to read Draft History and Daily Records except historiographers. Even the king was not excepted. Any historiographer who disclosed the contents of the annals was severely punished as a felon. The regulations and ordinances governing historiography were very strict. The annals were printed and then preserved in the historical archives under rigorous management. There are a total of 2,077 books in these four editions of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, all of the highest value for history:


Seungjeongwon, the Royal Secretariat of the Joseon Dynasty, was responsible for keeping Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, a detailed record of the daily events and official schedules of the court, from the Joseon Dynasty's first king, Taejo, to its 27th and last, Sunjong. But through the vicissitudes of time, only 3,243 diaries are extant.

The extant diaries have detailed information on 288 years of the Joseon Dynasty, from March 12, 1623 (the 1st year of the 16th king, Injo) to August 29, 1910 (the 4th year of the 27th king, Sunjong).

Seungjeongwon Ilgi has the largest amount of authentic historic recordings and state secrets of the Joseon Dynasty. Also, it had served as the primary source to the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, thus, its historic value is even greater than that of the Annals. It was designated as National Treasure No. 303 in April, 1999 and registered as Memory of the World in September 2001.

It covers 288 years of weather observation from the 17th to 21st centuries. It also makes possible the accurate comparison of the lunar and the solar date (scientific and statistical value). 


Ilseongnok is a chronicle of the king's activities and every aspect of state administration compiled in the form of a daily journal in the late Joseon period, covering all state affairs from 1760 (36th year of the reign of King Yeongjo of Joseon) to 1910 (4th year of the reign of Emperor Sunjong of the Korean Empire).

Ilseongnok originated from Jonhyeongak Ilgi (diary), the diary kept by King Jeongjo from his youth, as the eldest son of the crown prince, during his days at the Jonhyeongak Hall where future kings were educated. Profoundly impressed by Zengzi's remark in Noneo (The Analects of Confucius; Ch. Lunyu) saying, "Each day I examine myself on three counts," the monarch kept the journal from his early years to reflect on himself. 

King Jeongjo continued to keep the journal after ascending the throne in 1776. But with the increasing amount of state affairs to handle he found it difficult to continue; so in 1783, the 7th year of his reign, he ordered the Royal Library officials to keep daily records and write out fair copies every five days for his approval.

It was not until 1785 that Ilseongnok adopted the style of description as we see it today. That year King Jeongjo instructed the Royal Library to compile a journal in a clear and well-organized style and format based on the records from his birth onwards, The Diary of Jonhyeongak, as well as Seungjeongwon Ilgi (The Diaries of the Royal Secretariat) compiled after his enthronement. The compilation was named Ilseongnok (The Records of Daily Reflections) after the aforementioned remark by Zengzi, which had inspired him. With its publication, Ilseongnok was transformed from the king's personal diary to an official daily journal of state affairs.

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추천과 광고클릭은 연재에 큰 힘이 됩니다. 

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