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하루하나 관광통역안내사

하루하나 관통사준비 면접요령14)-이순신장군에 대해서(임진왜란)

Admiral Yi Sun-sin is honored as a hero by Koreans. 

- He was a general in the Joseon Dynasty. 

- He is well known for a number of victories against the Japanese navy during the Imjin war. 

- Japan invaded Joseon in 1952 and war lasted for 7 years.

- He studied tactics and weapons day and night and finally invented Geobukseon, a turtle ship 

which led many victories over Japan. 

- Geobukseon has a dragon-shaped head and the deck is covered with iron spikes. 

- Perhaps his most remarkable military achievement occurred at the Battle of Myeongnyang. 

- Although his fleet was outnumbered by 133 Japanese warships he still managed to destroy 102 of 

the 133 Japanese warships either destroyed or impaired, without losing a single ship of his own.

- Nanjung Ilgi is War diary written by Admiral Yi sun-sin. It includes a concrete and vivid record 

of the Imjin war and was designated as the UNESCO World Documentary Heritage in 2013.

- Yi died at the Battle of Noryang on December 16, 1598. 

- (With the Japanese army on the verge of being completely expelled from the Korean Peninsula,) 

- He was mortally wounded by a single bullet. His famous dying words were, "The battle is at its height...beat my war drums...do not announce my death." 

- He can be found on the 100 won coin in Korea. And his statue is in 광화문, downtown of Seoul.


从1591年起,日本就积极着手进行侵朝战争的各项准备。李舜臣在国家危难之时,即竭尽全力加强海军建设,做好反侵略战争的准备。1592年,日军20多万大军进犯朝鲜并迅速攻陷(xùn sù gōng xiàn),占领了大半个朝鲜半岛,韩国称这一段历史为“壬辰倭乱”。从此开始了7年的抗击日寇(rì kòu)的战争。

在陆地屡战屡败(lǚ zhàn lǚ bài)的情况下, 海战中连战皆捷(lián zhàn jiē jié ), 粉碎日军水陆并进计划。日军海军之后不敢再战。

在露梁(lù liáng)海战中,一颗子弹飞来,击中了他而牺牲。

龟船是克敌制胜的重要因素。为了提高朝鲜海军的战斗力,李舜臣还对“龟船”进行了改造。 船身及上面的“龟壳”用硬木制作,包上铁板,敌人炮火不易伤害它。铁板上还装有密集的铁钉,使敌人在接舷战时无法攀登。船头有一个大龙头,上设两个炮眼,在行进中船内可焚烧硫磺(fén shāo liú huáng)等物,烟从龙口喷出,可以起到隐蔽(yǐn bì)自己,迷惑敌人的作用。


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